Opcje zapisów

Protection of fundamental rights in the EU - 0500-PFREPZ (Konwersatorium 23/24)



academic year 2023/24



- Craig P., Búrca G. de, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, Oxford 2015, chapter 11

- Woods L., Watson P., Steiner & Woods EU Law, Oxford 2017, chapter 6

- Cases and materials available on the course websites (in particular Moodle)

- Cases and materials collected by the students while working on their final papers


- Course website


- Academic Phrasebank http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/

- English Grammar Tutorials https://ctl.yale.edu/writing/resources-multilingual-writers/downloadable-english-grammar-tutorials



- University of Reading – Academic writing


- About plagiarism and proper references to sources


- On-line dictionaries



https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ 2




- European Union https://europa.eu/

- EUR-Lex https://eur-lex.europa.eu/homepage.html

- EU Agency for Fundamental Rights https://fra.europa.eu/en

- Court of Justice of the EU https://curia.europa.eu/jcms/jcms/j_6/en/

- European Court of Human Rights


Video materials used during the course:

-       Fundamental Rights and AI






Course purpose and requirements:

The aim of the course is to provide the students with profound knowledge concerning the protection of fundamental rights in the European Union, the functioning of the EU FR protection system and its position in national and international legal order, especially in relation to other human rights protection mechanisms (with special focus on the European Convention of Human Rights). It also deals with current problems and developments within the system. The course is furthermore designed to develop the students' research skills as well as the language skills to the B2+ level.

Methods used: seminar method with elements of problem lecture – combining interactive participation of the student during the classes with particular problems explained by the lecturer and involving e-learning and individual self-study (solving written homework tasks, gathering materials and writing the final paper).

In order to attend the course the students must:

- possess basic knowledge of constitutional law, international law and European Union Law,

- present basic skills in analysis, synthesis, logical reasoning,

- be fluent in English - B2 level.

The presence in class is mandatory throughout the course.

Course contents:


1. Evolution of the human/fundamental rights protection in EC/EU legal order in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice

- Fundamental rights as general principles of law 3


- Scope of protected rights and freedoms

3. Institutionalization of fundamental rights protection in the EU

4. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights - its origins, scope, legal effect and enforcement

5. The relationship between the EU and the ECHR systems:

- Judicial dialogue between ECJ and ECtHR

- Indirect review of EU acts by the ECtHR

- EU accession to the ECHR


The student's assessment is based on:

- Result of a linguistic test on legal terminology with special focus on EU law and human rights

- evaluation of a final paper on a topic concerning the course subject (8000-10000 signs including spaces, so 4-5 pages, where one page contains about 2000-2500 signs). The student is informed what were the strong and the weak points. All other student's activities within the course (e.g. short written homework tasks, interactive involvement in discussion) are taken into account in the overall assessment.


Grade definition

5 (A) very good - outstanding performance, without substantial and formal errors (but single minor formal imperfections are acceptable)

4+ (B) better than good – performance above the average standard but with some errors

4 (C) good – sound performance but with a number of notable errors

3+ (D) better than sufficient – average performance, fair but with significant shortcomings

3 (E) sufficient - performance meets the minimum criteria

2 (F) unsatisfactory (fail) – performance shows fundamental shortcomings and does not meet the minimum standard

Zapisywanie samodzielne (Student)