Enrolment options

Is Trump an exception? On Emotions in International Relations - 1300-JABL15 (Wykład L-23/24)

The aim of the course is to develop student's analytical skills, organization of work, team work in the area of research activity taking under the consideration its future usage in research and other professional activity.  The aim will be reached by working on the issue of emotions in international relations, assuming student's rising specialization in the field.

In order to pass the classes students need to fulfill two group tasks:

  1. Report (8000-10000 characters, including spaces): Diagnosis of existing international issue.
  2. Presentation: Summary of the most important notions from the report presented as the press conference

Projects will be trained and developed during the meetings.

Basic project requirements


  1. References in report – Oxford type [footnotes] (e.g. Chicago Manual of Style 17th or equivalent); using Zotero, Citavi or any other type of bibliographic manager is recommended.
  2. Main text formatting: Times New Roman 12, spaces 2 pt, 2,5 cm margins, 1,25 cm paragraph, adjusted top both margins
  3. Footnote formatting: Times New Roman 10, spaces 1 pt, 2,5 margins, 1,25 cm paragraph, adjusted top both margins
  4. Delivered in DOCX or DOC file only.


  1. References in presentation – Harvard style [in-text] with bibliography
  2. Formatting in accordance with the visual side of the presentation
  3. Delivered in PPTX or PPT files only.

In case of smaller number of participants only one of the above mentioned (Report or Presentation) tasks will be required.


Only 2 absences are accepted (no medical document is required). In ace of further absences students ought to participate in the office hours and pass the absences.

Self enrolment (Student)